The following is a description of a study from one of the many researchers that our organization has funded.

Gender Effect on Arthritis Phenotypes in a Murine Model of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Vyacheslav Adarichev, Ph.D.
Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center
Chicago, Illinois
Dr. Adarichev is the 2003 recipient of The Sontag Foundation Fellowship of the Arthritis National Research Foundation. This is the third such special fellowship award thanks to the sponsorship of The Sontag Foundation of Jacksonville, Florida and their commitment to supporting rheumatoid arthritis research.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is one of the most prevalent autoimmune diseases, affecting approximately 1% of all humans. RA is a systemic disease and may eventually affect not only inflammation of joints, but also other organs throughout the body such as kidneys, lungs and heart. Dr. Adarichev is studies RA at the genetic level, utilizing a mouse model for human RA, which resembles RA in clinical symptoms and genetics. He found that female animals are more susceptible than males, as in human RA patients. The investigation centered on the immunological and genetic mechanisms and effects of gender on arthritis. This information obtained may be adopted for and accelerate corresponding human studies, possibly helping in the early diagnosis of RA in humans, and serve as a background for new RA therapies.

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